Welcome to our Classroom Community
If you are interested in enrolling your child in Pre-k for the 2020-2021 school year, you can get enrollment forms from the Vienna Grade School office, download them from the links below or email Ms. Jessi at jpartridge@viennagradeschool.com.
Just return the completed enrollment forms (registration card, family/child questionnaire, and placement form) with proof of residency and proof of income. Please return this information as soon as possible. Once we collect your information, we will contact you.
The Vienna Pre-k program is provided by the Preschool for All grant through the Illinois State Board of Education. We have two classrooms, one housed at the Vienna Grade School and the other at the Southern Seven Head Start building. Both classrooms cooperate using the same curriculum and assessments, providing kindergarten readiness skills through hands on activities.
This website is to provide information about the VGS Pre-k Classroom.
We follow the grade school's academic calendar and are in session every day the grade school is. Pre-k is 8:30- 2:45 pm, five days a week. Because 3- 5 year old's aren't always ready for an all day program, five days a week, you may enroll your child three, four, or five days. It isn't uncommon for a child to attend on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Vienna Elementary School
310 N 3rd Street
Vienna, IL 62995
Greg Frehner, Super intendent
Jessi Partridge, Pre-k Coordinator
618.658.8286 office
618.658.9395 classroom